Monday, April 24, 2017

Watershed and run-off issues

In the recent days as we have more and more impervious coverage in EMLK area we are having flooding issues which has been expressed at our council members meeting. 

We thank the people of Austin watershed to help us and advise us in some of the issues

In December 2016 we had a brilliant presentation from Matt Hollon (link)

​In April 2017 we also had a fantastic presentation by Jose Guerrero (link)​
​Here is also the section of city code dealing with run-offs. (link)​
​You have find all the 3 links here ​

Based on the current requirements there are 2 projects we can focus on - if you have other areas please bring it to our focus

1. The area around 51st and Pecan Springs - there is a series of large development without any improvement to the ​Creek (Fort Branch Watershed). This is causing huge erosions and needs to be looked into urgently. 

2. There is a older water retention area in the Morris Williams Golf course which is giving up. It creates flooding downstream on the southern side of MLK. This is also a barrier for the EMLK hike and bike trail. So we think we can find a common solution here with a retention and biking trail. 

The next work will be focus on the clean-up and adoption of the creeks. 

Thursday, April 6, 2017

EMLK Hike and Bike Trail Update - April 6, 2017

We started with a piece of paper in HEB about 3 months ago to create a hike and bike trail in East side which creates equity through connectivity. We have come a long way thanks to everybody for their help. We have couple of good news

1. Thanks to all efforts from Pete and other people from SANA, Hogpen - the Redbluff land resolution will be in the city council so that the 3 parcels can be consolidated under PARD. (the goal is that this land should be a nature reserve). (we also thank the environment commission). I wish I knew more about the rail route plan because it fits in perfectly with our plan. (link)

2. The Little Walnut Creek Park trail is under discussion in PARD. If we push it hard then that trail can be opened by summer (its a 190 acre park). 

3. We are having a hearing at the Urban TRansportation Commission on April 11 for their support on a comprehensive plan. I need neighborhood people to show up. Its at 6pm at city hall. The route through Morris Williams Golf Course will depend partly on them.

Here is the presentation for UTC meeting that I have put up in the web ( )(microsoft docs) - you can share these because they are published

You can just see the hike and bike trail here in the web - its published and I will keep on publishing latest versions (