Wednesday, May 23, 2018

EMLK Contact team meeting - May 21st, 2018

This is the agenda for our 21st meeting. - there are some changes based on contact team member requests.

1. Morris Williams - this will have 3 sections (30 minutes) (Susan Tingley). We will vote on all 3 sections (resolution will be uploaded) (link)

2. A support letter for Red-bluff ( Ali Ronder)) (20 mins) Resolution/Presentation from Ali and Pete (I will upload the resolution once I get it - have not received it yet)

3. A transportation blueprint for EMLK (at least start the process) (Susan) We will vote on Susan's proposal - this is the resolution (20 min with presentation) 
 • Agree on workshop date to identify transportation details using the FLUM

4. Breaking up of the contact team into smaller groups as has been desired by MLK neighborhood association. (20 min)

Pinaki Ghosh

Friday, April 27, 2018

EMLK Contact Team Meeting on April 23rd , 2018

  1. Community Involvement for local AISD Schools - Anne Teish
    1. How to involve community in our schools?
    2. Is there any way to integrate Mueller Elementary school with ours
    3. IDEA school and how to understand the consequences - social, transportation, local.
    4. Future of Sims and Norman? What are the options - how we can contribute.
  2. ASMP Follow Up from Transportation Planning in East MLK / Springdale-Pecan Springs / Hog Pen December Meeting - this work was primarily pushed by Susan and Ali. We are getting the results of their effort
    1. Presentation from City of Austin
    2. EMLK Hike and Bike Trail and how it incorporates in ASMP
    3. Bond Money for EMLK Hike and Bike Projects - UTC recommendation 
  3. Status of Red-Bluff (transfer of land, master plan) - How can we move forward and next steps. Ali
  4. Karisha 2nd Annual Earth (Volunteer) Day! April 28th (FLIER) - Amina/Ali
    1. Karisha is in the corner of 51st and Springdale. It will provide holistic healthcare of our citizens.
  5. Rezoning for 5521 Springdale Road - PSSNA Representative
    1. This is about the rezoning of a piece of land which can currently accommodate businesses/stores into
  6. Avert flooding hazard to Pecan Springs/Springdale Neighborhood: 4800 Springdale Road, 78723 - Bill Stout

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Updates on Redbluff

Ali Ronder
Pete Rivera
Andre Ewing
Chris Hitchings
Pinaki Ghosh
Mitcheli Wright (Landscape Architect)
1. One year after passing of the city ordinance the red-bluff land has not been transferred to PARD.
2. PARD would not take any action unless land has been transferred to them
3. PARD needs a master plan to act on the land.
4. City has the capacity to allocate small amounts like $30K to $50K for master plan
5. LaLoma trail is deeply tied to Red-Bluff project
6. UTC has urged the city to allocate Bond Money for entire EMLK hike and Bike Trail and Laloma trail is part of it
7. MAster Planners can be hired from outside (like Mitchell Wright who attended) to do the plan.
8. We can amend the city resolution to add the master planning fee
9. National Parks Foundation is willing to help along with other organizations that Ali is working with
Ali's addition

Andre Ewing is going to do some research and get back to me with order of operations and next required steps.  

Chris Hutchins is going to contact representatives at Cap Metro, Urban Trails and District 3 (among others) and get back to us

I will hold off on applying for Austin Community Foundation to be a Fiscal Sponsor until I hear back from Andre.  

Mitch has offered to share a budget template to me so that I can complete this application when given the green light from Andre Ewing (ie this has been determined to be a necessary step).  

We will meet with Justin Bates of the National Parks Service on Friday 13th.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Music in EMLK Parks

We have 4 fantastic parks/nature reserves in EMLK area - we would like to explore some options to have music festival in our parks but in a low key laid back way like Austin use to be

Some conditions

1. Musicians will  be local (in east side we have lot of musicians - this will be their venue)
2. Musicians will get paid and we will collect that money somehow (don't know how)
3. Locals will walk or bike to the park so we get to know more people (that's how communities are built)
4. The entire families can come to the event (they will 2 or 3 or 4 hours)
I will request Maria to advice us with the permits etc that may be needed.

EMLK contact teams and NAs will help but there has to be a seperate body to manage this (may be there is one already in some other capacity)

Rodeo Austin is doing a tremendous job in bringing musicians to east side​ - we can take advantage of that and do something in small scale - something which is relaxed and low key. We can start something in very small scale from this year itself


Thursday, March 15, 2018

2018 bond money for EMLK hike and bike trail

Hello Everybody,

Ali and I recently spoke at the Urban Transportation Commission. We asked for 5.5 Million dollar for EMLK Hike and Bike Trail. UTC recommended funding for the EMLK Hike and Bike Trail through 2018 bond though they did not mention any amount. This is what we asked for

  1. The La Loma Trail - $2 million
  2. Hike and bike trail through Morris Williams Golf Course - $1 million
  3. Little Walnut Creek Nature Reserve - $ 2 million
  4. Connectivity to Springdale Park - $500,000

This is what Austin Monitor reported

I think this is a pocket change compared to what we pay in taxes and compared to what we really need (considering we do not have hospital , grocery, pharmacy).

This is as far as we can take it as a contact team - the council members have to do their jobs and get this funding so please make your voice heard before the election.

Pinaki Ghosh

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Watershed inputs for codenext from meeting on Feb 19th , 2018

We had an excellent meeting on the implications of run-off from codenext vs. current situation. Currently our run-off mitigation measures in existing code are negligible and I believe this is where code-next offers us the more value (we will get density we like it or not). We will see engineered solution of run-offs which will help flood mitigation.  (instead of just calling code-next bad let's read what it can do for us better - the car you drive today is a million times better than the one your grandfather drove - so there is value to engineering)

all item in red have links

here are few details from Matt Hollon's presentation

here is a summary of all drainage and environmental components of CodeNEXT (denoting those new to Draft 3). The engineering certification IS new to and included in Draft 3! And here is the FULL TEXT of all env. and drainage code sections. Go to 23-10E-3030 Engineer’s Certification Required for Certain Alterations and Improvements for the new provision for single-family, duplex, and 3-6 unit “missing middle” (<=45% impervious cover, etc.) projects built with Building Permits (p. 10 of this code text document).

23-10E-3030 Engineer’s Certification Required for Certain Alterations and Improvements
(A)   The director may not accept any plan or specification for a proposed alteration or improvement of a bed or bank of a waterway unless the plan or specification is accompanied by a certificate bearing the seal of an engineer certifying that:
(1)    The hydraulic and structural design is adequate; and
(2)    The proposed alteration or improvement complies with the ordinances of this City,the Drainage Criteria Manual, and the laws of this state.
(B)   Subsection (A) does not prohibit the director from accepting a plan or specification for a minor alteration or improvement that, in the judgment of the director, does not require certification by an engineer.

the LOCAL FLOOD modeling recently (PowerPoint here from this past Wednesday’s Env. Commission meeting; see slides 19-26).

Here are few very important links from Mr. Ruven Brooks who is also a wizard with GIS to get maps and data from city GIS  Floodpro shows flood plains throughout the City.  I'm always amazed at the number of structures that are actually within flood plains. If you enter a street name in upper case and select a street type from the pulldown, this site will give you all of the building permits open along that street.  This is a newer site.   Click on Show Options to choose between Code Enforcement and Building Permits.  Click on the Austin dropdown to zoom in on a council district.   Click on the Load More button to see all of the hits; there can be thousands. Click on the red dots to see information about the particular case.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Come join us to discuss CodeNEXT proposals and implications for impervious cover and drainage (Feb 19th)

Come join us to discuss CodeNEXT proposals and implications for impervious cover and drainage. CodeNEXT is the City of Austin’s proposed overhaul of the Land Development Code. 
Agenda items include:
Analysis of Proposed Impervious Cover Entitlements for CodeNEXT (Matt Hollon, City of Austin’s Watershed Protection Department)
(link here to a short report)
 We know that these issues are of interest to a wider audience. People of other Austin neighborhoods are welcome and encouraged to join the discussion. A CodeNEXT representative will be in attendance to answer any technical CodeNEXT questions. 
The meeting is 7pm – 8:30 on Feb 19th, 2018 in the St. James Episcopal Church at 1941 Webberville Rd 78721