Thursday, March 15, 2018

2018 bond money for EMLK hike and bike trail

Hello Everybody,

Ali and I recently spoke at the Urban Transportation Commission. We asked for 5.5 Million dollar for EMLK Hike and Bike Trail. UTC recommended funding for the EMLK Hike and Bike Trail through 2018 bond though they did not mention any amount. This is what we asked for

  1. The La Loma Trail - $2 million
  2. Hike and bike trail through Morris Williams Golf Course - $1 million
  3. Little Walnut Creek Nature Reserve - $ 2 million
  4. Connectivity to Springdale Park - $500,000

This is what Austin Monitor reported

I think this is a pocket change compared to what we pay in taxes and compared to what we really need (considering we do not have hospital , grocery, pharmacy).

This is as far as we can take it as a contact team - the council members have to do their jobs and get this funding so please make your voice heard before the election.

Pinaki Ghosh

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