Thursday, September 15, 2016

Agenda for August 30, 2016 EMLK Contact Team Meeting

University Hills Library branch (4721 Loyola Ln, 78723) Meeting room #2 from 7.00pm-8.45 on Tuesday, 8/30  (thanks Joy)


1. Election - we cannot really move forward without an election. So we need to have an election for president and Vice President. (Its a good thing we don't need a treasurer) 

2. Margaret will Speak about contact teams topics
Our Duties
What we can realistically Achieve
How we can help the city projects in EMLK
How we can influence the FLUM
How we can relate to Code Next

3. Go over the current Projects and divide it among ourselves to get some feedback from local neighborhood groups

4. Plan for next meeting - how we can increase our outreach and reach broader audience

PInaki Ghosh was elected the Chairman

Margaret Valenti Provided a great presentation representing city of Austin

Pinaki Ghosh promised to start working on # 3 and 4.

Joy agreed to transfer the google group ownership to Pinaki

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