Sunday, May 7, 2017

update on EMLK hike and Bike Trail - reporting some success

Hello Everybody,

I want to provide you all an update on the hike and bike trail - please forward it to other members of your community because everybody should be aware of what are trying to achieve.

You can see the details for the trail here (

Goal: To make the EMLK Hike and Bike Trail a reality

Summary: We are in the process to open up 300 acres of land as park land for hiking in east side (this is real equity)


1. A big shout-out goes to CM Pio Renteria and his staff for helping with the 90 acre land in Red Bluff. You can see his newsletter 
Even better is that transportation bond money can be used to build some of the trails. Without this the EMLK hike and Bike trail would not have moved forward

2. CM Houston's office is working on a resolution to rezone the entire Little Walnut Creek Park to park zoning. (Some of it was zoned as multi-family). We hope in a future resolution we can use some bond money to improve the trail in 200 acres park.

3. Andrea Beleno from PSSNA and her group has put in a tremendous effort to clean up the park. You can see her efforts here(thanks Andrea). She is working with couple of Architectural Companies to get a landscape design done mostly pro-bono. Still about $10K to 20K will be required to move forward and I will come to everybody for some donation.  (A lot of advice/suggestions also came from ex CM Chris Riley)

4. We were able to meet Parks and Recreation Commission and Urban Transportation Commission to explain the concept. We will create a resolution for the Urban Transportation Council in the next 1 month. 

5. Tyson Brown of PSSNA will be speaking in the Golf Advisory Body Meeting on May 17th to explain about the path through the golf course. (We are requesting our council member Mrs. Houston to help us in this effort - Mueller community can also help)

6. We had an appointment with the mayor's office (to meet Jean Michael Cortez) to explain the concept. Six community members went to the meeting taking time off from our work but Mr. Cortez delegated us to a junior aid instead of meeting us.

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