Sunday, June 18, 2017

EMLK Contact Team Meeting for June 20th at at St. James Episcopal Church at Webberville Road

Hello Everybody,

We will EMLK Planning Contact Team meeting on June 20th at the St. James Episcopal Church at Webberville road at 7.00pm


1. A presentation from public works department on La loma Trail Design - (30 min)
We are requesting Kevin Sweat from Public Works Department (we will request Kevin listen to #2 and #3 so that we can get some good suggestion from him)

Please bring your questions about sidewalks and other public works topics.

2. Status of Redbluff nature reserve - what's next step? - Pete Rivera (10 min)

3. Status of Little Walnut Creek - How we can help moving forward? Andrea Beleno/Tyson (10 min)

4. Update on trail through Morris Williams Golf course - Tyson Brown (10 min)

5. Patrick Russell on how to gather data for EMLK region for various projects (10 min)

6.EMLK strategies and requests to city council (pinaki will provide a list and we will have a discussion)

7. planning for CIPs (let's give it another try - last year inputs from 150 people were rejected because we were few days late.) - Pinaki Ghosh

Last time we had 4 people in the meeting - the city employees come to our meetings and it's a privilege for us. I will request more people to join the meetings. We can't complain if we don't participate.


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