Saturday, October 7, 2017

planning development and architecture

What is not

  1. Not a city planning department 
    1. We have only advisory capacity so we are not part of any open meetings act
  2. Does not create an approval process which needs to be maintained
    1. This is an informal group which means we put together ideas so it will be self-organizing to some extent
  3. Not a body which will be answering to every citizen in EMLK for their development problems. That’s the job of the city
  4. It is not execution authority

What it is

  1. ​Take decisions (approval/disapproval) with a set of reasons. Why are we supporting something – there must be a logical reason.
  2. A knowledge body where decisions are documented (like why we supported something) – this can be a blog with attachments or just a closed google group with a shared folder or even slideshare. The important fact is that we can go back to the past decisions and investigate why we took them
  3. ​​Independent body of architects, civil engineers, landscape people - may be AIA can recognize it as the East Austin Subject Matter expert
  4. It will appreciate a develop local architects who will practice in east side (this always leads to better products)
  5. Can reach out to city bodies with or without contact teams permission. (A body of influence)
  6. Influences east Austin Architecture - I am a big fan of Christopher Alexander. I believe we can do much better.
  7. Acts as an emergency buffer for something really bad happening from development perspective.

  1. General documentation around development in EMLK area – can be adopted from sections of imagine Austin or just reference to Imagine Austin or other documents as appropriate – this is more of a conceptual document
  2. Each FLUM change or zoning case will create a precedence and that knowledge will be stored regarding what we approved and why we did so.
  3. 3 FLUM changes on hand.
  4. Reference Document created by Jeff Jack.

Notes from Meeting:

General Points
  • The neighborhood associations have the issue of getting enough neighbors to participate
  • The architecture group has to make a comprehensible document for each case with a clear recommendation which the neighborhood association can understand
  • The document should include what the developer has proposed and what we are counter proposing.
  • The group can act as an advocacy group so that neighborhoods do not say "no" to everything.
  • EMLK area can have clear guidelines and requirements for developers to provide when they ask for FLUM change or Zoning change.
  • It is important to make developers understand the value proposing of the group
  • Advocate for good architectural product
  • The decisions by the group has to be distributed using websites or news-letters
  • We will need a lawyer to advise us.
  • This will not be a group which will say "no" to everything - rather this will be a group which can make it a "yes" with better design.


  • It can turn into a very time consuming activity for many people
  • Attending every zoning meeting and neighborhood meeting can become very time consuming
  • Can turn into a group which only says no to developers
  • Can get into legal issues (or understand legal issues)

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