Thursday, April 5, 2018

Updates on Redbluff

Ali Ronder
Pete Rivera
Andre Ewing
Chris Hitchings
Pinaki Ghosh
Mitcheli Wright (Landscape Architect)
1. One year after passing of the city ordinance the red-bluff land has not been transferred to PARD.
2. PARD would not take any action unless land has been transferred to them
3. PARD needs a master plan to act on the land.
4. City has the capacity to allocate small amounts like $30K to $50K for master plan
5. LaLoma trail is deeply tied to Red-Bluff project
6. UTC has urged the city to allocate Bond Money for entire EMLK hike and Bike Trail and Laloma trail is part of it
7. MAster Planners can be hired from outside (like Mitchell Wright who attended) to do the plan.
8. We can amend the city resolution to add the master planning fee
9. National Parks Foundation is willing to help along with other organizations that Ali is working with
Ali's addition

Andre Ewing is going to do some research and get back to me with order of operations and next required steps.  

Chris Hutchins is going to contact representatives at Cap Metro, Urban Trails and District 3 (among others) and get back to us

I will hold off on applying for Austin Community Foundation to be a Fiscal Sponsor until I hear back from Andre.  

Mitch has offered to share a budget template to me so that I can complete this application when given the green light from Andre Ewing (ie this has been determined to be a necessary step).  

We will meet with Justin Bates of the National Parks Service on Friday 13th.

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