- Priority # 1: increase membership and make people aware of the contact team and its job
- Attached is the latest membership list (link). (need phone numbers from Dr. Murphy)
- I have also invited Susan Tingley and Jon Hagar to join the contact team - this will make our team 12 members representing almost the entire EMLK region.
- We have not been successful in the east of 183 region. It is still not represented so Jon's membership is very important (he is in Cavalier Park)
- I have also requested representative from Yellow Bike Project - Joel is our current representative.
- Priority #2: Identify few projects which will make the contact team more relevant.
- We have identified about 5 to 6 projects as a part of the East MLK - they are all very relevant to our region especially the parks and the trail through the hike and bike trail.
- In Hogpen area we are working sidewalks and connectivity to Springdale Park, community garden etc (link). I wish we can have more projects in other neighborhoods which we can support.
- In SANA the La Loma trail work is progressing slowly. Here are the city documents of design
- Little Walnut Creek park has opened up with signs - now we have to get funding to develop plans and improve it. (here is the city request for rezoning)
- We have had some success at least to make the city understand how underserved this entire EMLK region is. I am hopeful that in 2018 budget we will see some changes.
- Priority #3: Identify the CIP projects for each of the planning regions
- Last year in 2016 we identified 15 projects - 5 from each region. It was rejected by the city because we were about 1 week late in submission. This is funny because city could not open a park in our region for 15 years. I brought it to the notice of the mayor and council member. If we pay taxes and get no benefits then things will have to change.
- Please see the attached link to the CIPs - we need to update this list and send it out by october (link)
- Priority #4: Focus around the code next for the changes to East MLK region.
- The revised map is coming out in the next month (Sept 15) I believe then we have to together visit this issues with city to understand what happens to the existing overlays which is destroying much parts of EMLK region.
- Priority #5: Participate and mediate in development discussions in the EMLK region.
- Most developments have bypassed us because of the overlays which provides enormous development opportunities (with 65% or more impervious coverage) without building any or minimal infrastructure. As a planning contact team this is one of our primary duties. (I have requested our council member multiple times to address this issue (link)
- Flooding is a real problem from run-offs and 950 acres of land was converted to high density build-up without any infrastructure (link) . Please see the presentation from COA watershed department (link 1, link 2)
- The challenges with individual houses (like Mark Jackson's property) have not been addressed adequately.
- Priority #6: Fix meeting dates and venue
- I have done a very poor job on this. I am now proposing the following future dates. I am sending another email on the dates and venue shortly.
- Priority #7: Improve Communication and provide multiple channels of communication
- We are communicating through email. (which is least efficient)
- I also have a blog (link) where we store all information regarding meetings.
- We have a shared google Drive (link)
- We have used www.change.org to get support for the EMLK Hike and Bike Trail (link)
- We are using next-door as often as possible
- The current google-group cannot be administered due to technical reason so I am trying to create a new google group.(link)
- Since now we have better representation from the neighborhood association so I am hoping our information will be distributed through the various NAs.
Please sign the change.org (link) if you agree that we need the EMLK hike and Bike trail.

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