Friday, August 25, 2017

Work in Hogpen Area - east of Webberville Road - Susan Tingley

SIDEWALKS  We are requesting completion of sidewalks on one side of the street along Delano from Hudson to Fort Branch, Eleanor from Fort Branch to Hudson, new sidewalk on Hudson from Delano to Eleanor, and repair of sidewalk along Eleanor from Hudson to the end of Eleanor.  Please see 2 attachments, one showing existing sidewalks, and one showing proposed.  Charlie Duncan is making another map showing sidewalks plus the proposed Community Garden and connection trail/bridge.  Contact Susan Tingley 919 656-2576 or  I have taken some leadership on this, so please contact me regarding sidewalks.  We were hoping that existing funds are available for this project without it being a Partnership Project. 

COMMUNITY GARDEN    There is a very new group working on a proposed Partnership Project to create a Community Garden at the cul-de-sac on Eleanor.  There is city property there because of a 25 year flood plain.  It is a beautiful site!  Please see attached photos.  Larry Henson919 270-4691 and Hunter Feagin are the contacts for this project.  We have learned that the city is doing a feasibility study for a hike-bike bridge connection between neighborhoods that would allow an entirely different neighborhood (SANA) to participate in the garden, should it be done.  We are very excited and supportive of this project.    

SPRINGDALE PARK CONNECTION TO LINCOLN GARDENS / HOG PEN NEIGHBORHOOD     Springdale Park is now quite inaccessible to our neighborhood.  We see a strong need for a connective hike/bike bridge to be built to provide access to this park.  The City of Austin EMLK Combined Neighborhood Plan lists many improvements needed to this park, including this access.  There are two city owned properties that could connect from Fort Branch Blvd to the Park so there is a choice available.  Right now the Fort Branch Creek banks are steep and cliff-like making a bridge necessary.  Pinaki Ghosh and Susan Tingley are contacts for this project.  Please see the attachment entitled "InkedSidewalk Request Plan" that shows the two possible bridge connections in purple.

RED BLUFFS    Our brand new nature preserve, just voted upon by city council, will be wonderful access to nature, hiking, natural history, neighborhood connectivity, and needed open space in east Austin.  We are so proud to be a part of its development.  It currently needs trail development and ideally an connection to the Little Walnut Creek Bike Trail.  Contact people include Pete and Ali Ronder
BIKE / HIKE CONNECTION BETWEEN LOTT AVE AND ELEANOR AT COMMUNITY GARDENS     While at an EMLK contact team meeting on June 20, we learned that the city was doing a study on a possible connection between two east Austin neighborhoods that now have no connectivity.  That is a hike-bike bridge connection between Lott Ave and the dead-end cul-de-sac at the south end of Eleanor St.  This was wonderful news.   Not only would it provide for neighborhood transportation and connectivity, it would provide strong access to a Community Garden now being planned at the cul-de-sac at Eleanor St.  We are extremely  supportive of this proposal and would welcome information on it and would like to champion it.  We do not have a leader on this yet, although you can communicate with myself or the Hog Pen Neighborhood Association or the SANA.    

1 comment:

  1. here is the brilliant presentation from Susan Tingley - please check it out
